Salon Guidelines

First thing’s first, if you are feeling sick or been in contact with a sick person within 2 weeks of your service, we kindly ask that you stay home.

enjoy that tea and snuggly blanket on the couch

Recognizing state law, we ask that you come wearing your own ear-loop style face mask. These masks will be worn throughout your service so keep in mind that it may get wet and become damaged.

“ear-loop style face masks are all that fits me right now”
-Regina George

Please do not come in before your exact appointment time. As we are also our own receptionists, we are required to take breaks throughout the day to fully sanitize commonly touched areas such as door handles, restroom, styling tools and stations. To do so we will be booking a 15-30 minute window between appointments to observe the full disinfectant time.

time is of the essence

Once you’re inside, there will be a sanitation station conveniently for your use or the restroom is also available for hand washing if that’s preferred. We will take your temperature with a touch-free thermometer along with a short questionnaire and check-in/out log.

“i got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm” -sean paul

Please leave large or bulky personal items at home or in the car. Items such as iPads or kindles are okay to bring in a small bag for long appointments. During this time, we will no longer be able to accommodate extra friends or family, so please come alone. (This is exempt to 1 parent per child under 18)

sorry toto, that means you too :(

Thank you to those who have supported us through trying times, and thank you to those new comers.

We’ve been waiting for you.

xo, Tcd hair lounge